Works by Gustav Mahler with conductor Leonard Bernstein, soloist Thomas Hampson, and the Concertgebouw Orchestra Amsterdam and Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra.
Track Listing
1. Symphony No. 1 in D major (“Titan”)
Conducted by Leonard Bernstein, Concertgebouw Orchestra Amsterdam]
2. Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen, cycle of 4 songs for voice & piano (or orchestra)
1. Wenn Mein Schatz Hochzeit Macht
2. Ging Heut Morgen Ubers Feld
3. Ich Hab Ein Gluhend Messer
4. Die Zwei Blauen Augen
with Thomas Hamson
Conducted by Leonard Bernstein, Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra
3. Symphony No. 5 in C sharp minor
Conducted by Leonard Bernstein, Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra