
Hampson “plays the role of his life” in world premiere of ‘South Pole’

Thomas Hampson’s portrayal of Roald Amundsen in the world premiere of South Pole has been greeted with thunderous applause from audiences and spectacular acclaim from critics worldwide. Remaining performances take place February 6, 9 & 11 and July 5. Please note the February dates are now completely sold-out, with limited tickets remaining in July. Enjoy the production trailer and a video magazine featuring interviews from the cast and creative team.

“The star is Thomas Hampson, the veteran baritone is vocally and theatrically convincing in the role of Amundsen.”

{Star ist der stimmlich und schauspielerisch überzeugende Altmeister-Bariton Thomas Hampson in der Rolle des Amundsen.}

“As Amundsen, Thomas Hampson was a towering presence in every sense. His voice, in stunning form, carried well, and his sense of the dramatic made him a perfect exponent of the Norwegian explorer.”

Jeffrey A. Leipsic – Opera News

“Hampson shows confidence theatrically and vocally in the superiority of this unfriendly and yet honorable man.”

{Hampson zeigt darstellerisch und gesanglich souverän die Überlegenheit dieses unfreundlichen und doch ehrenhaften Mannes.}  -Deutschlandradio Kultur

“Thomas Hampson plays the role of his life as Amundsen, his brutal ambition aligned to a noble regard for man and nature. His musicianship in the toughest passages is a miracle of insouciance.”
-Slipped Disc

“Thomas Hampson embodies the austere authority of the tortured Amundsen.”

{Thomas Hampson incarne avec autorité l’austère et torturé Amundsen.}
Yannick Boussaert – Forum Opéra

“Thomas Hampson’s Amundsen does not fight; he is a quite vulnerable figure of authority and credibility with the natural stage presence he gives through his straightforwardness. His magnificent baritone effortlessly asserts itself . . .”

{Thomas Hampsons Amundsen ficht das nicht an; mit natürlicher Bühnenpräsenz verleiht er der in seiner Geradlinigkeit durchaus gefährdeten Figur Autorität und Glaubwürdigkeit. Sein prächtiger Bariton setzt sich mühelos durch. . .}  -Mittelbayerische

“The first performance in Munich is truly impressive, with Thomas Hampson (Amundsen) and Ronaldo Villazón (Scott) singing the leading roles.”

{Die Uraufführung in München ist hochkarätig besetzt, Thomas Hampson (Amundsen) und Ronaldo Villazón (Scott) singen die Hauptpartien.}

“Hampson acquits the role of Amundsen with cool professionalism.”
Shirley Apthorp – Financial Times

“Thomas Hampson portrayed Amundsen through thoughtful singing and acting . . .”

{Thomas Hampson zeichnet Amundsen in Gesang und Spiel als nachdenklichen}

“Thomas Hampson was an imposing Amundsen, a giant with feet of clay when he receives the final telegram informing him of Scott’s death, as the music dissolves into silence.”

{Thomas Hampson va ser un imponent Amundsen, un gegant amb peus de fang que rep el telegrama final que l’informa de la mort de Scott mentre la música es dissol en el silenci.}  -Cultura

Photo: Wilfried Hösl/Bayerische Staatsoper