Chasing the Moment: Event with Youth Opera Council
Lyric Opera of Chicago’s Youth Opera Council meets twice a month at Lyric to plan events for teens and hear from staff and artists about the inner-workings of an opera company. Last month we had the pleasure of meeting Thomas Hampson, who was performing the role of Danilo in Lyric’s production of The Merry Widow.
Whenever we have a guest at a Youth Opera Council (YOC) meeting, we never know what to expect; so naturally we try to keep an open mind as to what’s going to happen. As our guest, Mr. Hampson, arrives, we all start to become excited and are anxious to get started.
As we do with any of our guests, one of us, this time it was Charlie, told Mr. Hampson what it is we do as part of the YOC. We all go around the room telling him what school we go to and what grade we are in. Once all the introductions are done, he starts to tell us his story about how he got to be an international opera star!